What Do You Need To Own A Fennec Fox?

Depending on where you live, you may be required to have a specific license to own a fennec fox. No matter where you live, you will definitely need a home or an outside area that is big enough for them to run free in. You will also need to own a large enough crate to keep them in at times.

You should also keep in mind that it takes quite a bit of money to keep a fennec fox. There is the initial cost of purchase. This is followed by spay and neuter costs, vaccinations and deworming shots, the cost of a crate, and the cost of their food. It requires a bit of a budget to give these animals the care that they require.

What States Is It Legal To Own A Fennec Fox?

States where you can legally own a pet fox include Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Utah, Tennessee, and Wyoming. Keep in mind that you may still be required to buy a license or permit before you are legally allowed to keep any type of fox.

Do Fennec Foxes Make Good Pets?

Fennec foxes are the smallest member of the canine family. Their small size and big ears make them irresistible to some prospective pet owners. However, you need to keep in mind at all times that the fennec is still a primarily wild animal. They have habits and instincts that they will not want to abandon.

This means that you need to be very patient with your new furry friend. Fennec foxes can be a bit skittish and standoffish until they get comfy with their new environment. This means that they will need to given quite a lot of space as well as tolerance. After a while spent acclimating, they will slowly but surely come out of their shell.

Fennecs are most active during the night time hours. This is when they usually forage for food and interact with each other. This is probably the time when they will be most open to socializing with you. You can play with them for a bit, although how long this lasts will depend on how long play time holds their interest.

Fennecs ultimately will show some affection for their owners. It just takes a while for them to relax enough to warm up to you.

Can Fennec Foxes Be Potty Trained?

Fennec foxes tend to eliminate waste wherever and whenever they please. You can somewhat temper this habit by buying them a litterbox and keeping them as near to it as possible. Even so, they will still tend to have “accidents” every once in a while. The good news is that their feces is dry and largely free of offensive odors.

Fennec Fox Care and Costs

The average cost to buy a fennec fox from a reputable breeder may be between $1,000 and $4,000. But this is only the start. There are plenty of other costs that need to be taken into account before you can sign off on buying a fennec fox to keep as a pet.

Foxes reach sexual maturity very quickly. Unless you plan to become a fennec fox breeder, you need to get them spayed or neutered at the age of six months. This will cost between $100 to $500 on average.

Even though fennecs are the smallest member of the canine species, they still require plenty of space. They will need to be kept crated when moving to a new location. They will also appreciate a crate to sleep in at night or to retreat to when they feel tired or threatened.

The crate that you keep them in needs to be large enough for them to move around easily in. The cost of a crate that measures 54.75”L x 36.8”W x 45.5”H and is fixed with double doors will be about $110-$130.

Fennecs vary in their response to being led on a leash. You can get one for about $20 but can look forward to a bit of an uphill climb in training them to be walked on it.

You will definitely need to look into getting your fennec fox vaccinated against rabies, distemper, and other common animal diseases. These may run anywhere from $25 to $50, depending on the type of shot. Other shots for deworming and controlling ticks and fleas may cost about $30 to $50 per year.

Fennec foxes are omnivores, meaning that they try nearly anything you set in front of them. A good meal for a fox should contain plenty of chicken, grains, vegetables, and fruits. Some owners make do with buying them high quality dog or cat food. A special mix that is normally reserved for zoo animals cost anywhere from $20 to $50.

Fennec foxes don’t need a ton of personal attention. They tend to sleep for the most part of the day. Foxes are nocturnal, meaning that they are most active during the night time hours. Care for them mostly consists of keeping their fur straight and their coats in good condition. They are very clean animals by nature.

Fennecs require a little bit of play time each day. They can be extremely playful with their owner, although very much on their own terms. They tend to choose the length of time that they are willing to play and will end it when they wish. Fennec foxes will also play quite a bit by themselves without requiring any human participation.

At the end of the day, it isn’t really that much work to keep a fennec fox. It’s a good idea to keep them crated for part of the day. This is due to the fact that they are wild animals who can easily tear up everything that they come across. With a bit of patience, they can become very affectionate and loving pets.