Do Fennec Foxes Stink?

As with all animals, you may worry that having a fennec fox around may cause your house to smell. Since the fennec fox is still technically a wild animal, they have a smell that most owners aren’t used to. For one, these foxes have a natural musky scent. It isn’t quite as pronounced as other foxes like red or silver foxes. However, if a fox remains in a particular room for an extended amount of time, then you’ll likely start to notice the musky smell.

The other aspect that can make your fennec fox smell is its urine. Fennec foxes cannot be trained to use the bathroom in a particular area. They haven’t reached the level of domestication that dogs have in order to be trained in this way. Now and then, you may be lucky in being able to get your fennec to use the bathroom in cat litter or on puppy pads.

Yet the reality is the fennec fox will likely go to the bathroom wherever it wants. As you might imagine, this invites a smell to it. In particular, the fennec fox has extremely powerful kidneys. That gives their urine and feces a skunk-like smell.

When you come home to find your fennec having used the bathroom all over the house, it’s going to smell like you have a pet skunk. Besides just needing to relieve themselves, fennecs urinate and eliminate their waste in order to mark their territory.

While they’re not pack animals exactly, they do live in underground burrows with their mate and offspring. In order to ward off others from their area, they urinate to show that the territory belongs to them. Because you’re going to be sharing a place with them, they’re going to want to make sure you know which parts of your home belong to them, too.

You may also find that fennecs may accidentally step into their own waste or urine. Then they might track it around the house, spreading the smell even further. While they do groom themselves like cats, it doesn’t do much for the smell.

So do fennec foxes smell? Yes, they have a natural musty odor that isn’t as strong as a red or silver fox but it’s stronger than a dog’s typical smell. Also, if you’re unable to potty train your fennec fox the smell of it’s urine could cause your house to smell a little skunky.

Why Do Fennec Foxes Have A Scent Gland?

Interestingly enough, fennec foxes don’t have the same kind of musk gland that other foxes do. In a red fox, for example, they contain musk glands that are used almost like perfume is for humans. They use to make themselves stand out and mark their territory. They’re able to recognize one another based on their scents.

Fennecs don’t have these kinds of glands, but they do have a gland that exists on their tail. Whenever a fennec is scared or anxious, it will secrete the scent through its tail.

The problem with that is that fennecs are typically frightened of most things. They don’t enjoy changeful atmospheres. Sudden noises, movements, and other perceived dangers can set them off and make your home smell just a bit muskier.

Can You Wash A Fennec Fox?

If your fennec does end up stepping in its own waste or comes to you covered in dirt, then you may want to wash it. A good aspect of fennec foxes is that they’ll actually groom themselves. They are very clean animals and make sure that their fur is healthy.

However, if you feel it’s time to give it a bath, it is possible to do so though with great care. In particular, you have to worry about the fox’s size and its large ears. Like a dog with ears that fold down, it’s possible for water to become trapped in the ears and for an ear infection to occur.

You also don’t want to make your fox worried that it might drown. One of the best ways to bathe a fox is either in the sink or in a baby bath. This only allows a few inches of water but still gives you the chance to pour water on the fox as needed. In terms of depth, you should only fill the sink or baby bath to the point where the water just covers the fox’s paws.

You also need to be aware of the temperature. Because fennecs are desert creatures, they’re not used to being submerged in water, for one. They also require certain temperatures in order for their body to function correctly. Letting the water grow too hot, on the other hand, can scald your fox.

Test the water beforehand. It should be a little cooler than you might find comfortable. Then carefully place your fox within the water to see how they react.

Once they’ve calmed, you can take some soap and start rubbing it into their body. When rinsing them, always place the hose or water jar over their head. Place your hand under their chin to ensure it’s raised. Otherwise, they may feel like they’re drowning and panic. This will also ensure that water doesn’t get trapped in their large ears.

Once they’re washed, you can dry them with a towel. You’ll want to try and dry your fox as quickly as possible to ensure their body temperature doesn’t drop too far. Being wet and in an air-conditioned house may make them extremely cold.

How To Make Your Fennec Fox Smell Better

Unfortunately, there isn’t anything you can do to make the fox smell better in terms of its musk gland on its tail. Whenever your fox is feeling threatened, it will release that musky odor. You may be able to help calm it by keeping it socialized. This might make it more comfortable in the presence of others.

As for sudden noises, you may want to look into sound-proofing the home or the main area it tends to stay in.

As for its urine and feces, you can attempt to train it to use a litter box or use the bathroom outside. Otherwise, you’ll want to consistently clean up its waste before the stench can permeate the room. Having hardwood floors or vinyl can keep the stench reduced.