How Much Does A Python Cost? 5 Examples

Depending on the kind of python you want to own, the average range is from $50 to $1,600. Yet certain rare colors and species may drive the cost up even more.

1. Ball Python and Morphs

To own the friendliest python, you should expect to pay around $50 for normal ball pythons while paying around $200 for ball morphs.

2. Carpet Pythons and Morphs

The average cost of a carpet python is $200 to $900 with the morph variety sometimes going up to $1,000.

3. Green Tree Python

The green tree python typically ranges from $300 to $900.

4. Burmese Python

To own a Burmese python, you’ll need to come up with anything from $400 to $1,600.

5. Reticulated Python

If you buy them young, you can buy a reticulated python anywhere from $200 to $500. Yet large adults can sometimes go as high as $25,000.

6 Types Of Pythons And The Cost For Each

There are plenty of python species out there that come with different price tags. Due to their incredible color and docile nature, pythons can make a great pet for snake lovers. Here are a few different types of pythons and what you can expect to pay for them.

1. Ball Python

One of the most popular pythons is the ball python. This is one of the most colorful snake species that is still docile. In fact, many snake owners love having ball pythons because they enjoy being handled.

You can find ball pythons in practically every pet store that sells snacks. They’re relatively cheap, too, coming on an average of $50. Some may cost a bit more depending on their rarity and size. You also need to consider if you need to purchase their aquarium and other supplies, too.

The average range of prices for a ball python is $50 to $200.

2. Ball Python Morph

On the more expensive side is the ball python morph. This is the same thing as a usual ball python except that it has been bred for a certain color. Much like buying a dog that’s bred for certain features, you can expect to pay a lot for this kind of ball python.

Certain owners love certain colors on their snakes. While you may be lucky and find a normal pet with that color in a store, most likely, you’ll need to contact a ball python morph breeder to find the exact color that you want.

That can come at a steep price of $200. That’s just the lower cost, too. You can easily find ball python morphs going for several hundreds of dollars. The rarer the color is, the more expensive it will be.

3. Carpet Python

Those who a bit more experience with pythons may want to level up to the carpet python. These can be a bit nippy when they’re young due to naturally being seen as prey. Their instincts drive them to defend themselves. Yet, as they grow older, they enjoy being handled just like ball pythons.

The difference between these two pythons is that a carpet python has unique and interesting designs on their skin that are reminiscent of the intricate carpet designs made in the Middle East.

While these pythons are also common in pet stores, they’re a bit pricier than ball pythons. The average price for carpet pythons runs from $90 to $200.

Like the ball python, they also have carpet python morphs. These are snakes bred for certain designs on their skin. They can also be incredibly expensive to buy. Sometimes, depending on the rarity, they can cost up to $1,000.

4. Green Tree Python

Another step above the carpet python is the green tree python. This kind of snake is vastly popular with snake lovers because of its ability to change color during adolescence. Green tree pythons start out as yellow or even reddish-brown. Yet as they grow older, their skin turns a brilliant green color. Sometimes they even turn blue.

Yet they can be aggressive if you don’t have experience in snake handling. When handling green tree pythons, you should always approach it from below them and give them the option to slither into your hand or not. Approaching it from above will make it attack you since it deems you as a threat.

Because green tree pythons are often popular, they can be quite costly since supply doesn’t always meet demand. The average cost of a green tree python is $300 to $900.

5. Burmese Python

Those who are daring to own a large snake may enjoy the Burmese python. However, it should be noted that this kind of snake has killed its owners before. It’s large enough to kill you. As such, you should be an experienced snake owner before attempting to own one of these pythons.

Because they’re so large and exotic, they’re also incredibly expensive. Burmese pythons go for an average of $400 to a whopping $1,6000.

6. Reticulated Python

One last huge python is the reticulated python. This is another snake that can grow to a huge size and could pose a potential danger to your family. Buying a young reticulated python can put you in the hole for around $200 to $500.

What Is The Cheapest Python To Buy?

Those looking to buy their first snake to see if they have what it takes to be a snake owner should look into buying a ball python. They’re the cheapest snakes because they’re quite common and great for beginners.

They don’t require a huge aquarium to live in unlike other pythons and feeding them can be relatively inexpensive. As long as you stick with common ball pythons, rather than splurging on more expensive ball python morphs, you can expect to pay around $50 for your snake.

What Is The Most Expensive Python?

Although not typically owned by households, the most expensive python on the market is the reticulated python. This is a huge snake that can grow several feet long. In fact, a reticulated python named Fluffy holds the Guinness World Record for being the longest snake with a length of 24 feet.

Reticulated pythons have an average cost of $25,000 to $50,000. Though typically bought by professionals like zookeepers, if you have the money, then you may be able to take this huge snake home, too.