Are Hissing Cockroaches Social or Solitary?

Are Madagascar hissing cockroaches social or solitary? When scientists Zuzana Varadinova, Daniel Frynta and Vaclav Stejskal undertook research focused on cockroaches, they proclaimed Blattaria to be universally gregarious insects, and some species are notably sociable critters. Not so Madagascar hissing cockroaches, despite the fact that they live in large colonies. Madagascar hissing cockroaches belonging to […]

Are Hissing Cockroaches Social or Solitary? Read More »

Is a Hissing Cockroach a Vertebrate or Invertebrate?

Since hissing cockroaches are insects, they’re by definition invertebrates. It’s a little confusing considering that the word vertebrate would suggest that they have a strong back and it’s obvious that roaches have a pretty tough shell on the outside of their bodies, but vertebrates have an actual spine according to scientists. Most of the biologists

Is a Hissing Cockroach a Vertebrate or Invertebrate? Read More »