Do sugar gliders like to cuddle?

These adorable marsupials are smart, cute and if they could talk to you, they would tell you that there’s nothing in life they love more than cuddling in a nest by day because they are nocturnal and need rest to live in the fast lane by night.

Cuddling during the day is such a sacrosanct experience for these furry critters that if you disturb them while they’re napping – or removing them from their safe zones — you could stress them out so much, they may bite and scratch themselves, since self-mutilation is one of the ways they react to stress. Adopt a sugar glider and you may also want to hang a “Don’t Disturb” sign on their sanctuaries.

Do sugar gliders like to be held?

Not only do sugar gliders love to be held but the more you hold them, the more adjusted to you they will become. Human to sugar glider interaction greatly satisfies these curious, playful, social pets, so if you ignore them, you can almost track the change in their behavior because constant touch from human owners keeps them tame and relaxed.

For these reasons, animal behaviorists suggest anyone interested in owning a sugar glider should be prepared to devote one-on-one time to bonding with their pet. That stated, it’s important to know that being held is critical to this pet’s socialization: If for any reason you neglect to spend time holding your little buddy, it can take some time for him to get re-acquainted.

Are sugar gliders affectionate?

As sensitive creatures, you might say that sugar gliders are affectionate pets but if you house two or more males together and they don’t get along, that affection will quickly dissipate into a turf war that could make you wonder why you decided to acquire this particular pet. On the other hand, if the ratio of males to females in your colony is one-to-four, peace and affection are likely to be on display because there is no competitor male to stake out his territory.

As for establishing a level of affection between a sugar glider and his pet parent, that depends upon the owner’s definition of affectionate. “Psychology Today” magazine defines a show of affection in terms of back rubs, caresses, hugging, hand-holding and kissing, so if your sugar glider exhibits these proclivities, who needs another relationship?

Are female sugar gliders better cuddlers than males?

Like most species, female sugar gliders tend to be more nurturing and cuddlier than males because it is their nature to be less territorial than the dudes. Not only are they better at maintaining a neat environment by not marking their cages, nests and humans but like many female creatures, they tend to be shyer when they are around strangers. A combination of these factors make cuddling a more natural response for female sugar gliders.

Are sugar gliders less cuddly if you have more than one?

It’s hard these days to keep up with kids demands in light of the fact that the world has turned upside down since the pandemic swept across the globe. Having run out of ideas to keep my restless little ones entertained, a friend suggested sugar gliders for a number of reasons and since I work from home, I figured I’d be around to keep tabs on the kids and the critters.

Then the big debate began. Each kid wanted their own sugar glider, but I’m a practical soul and figured it would be wise to start with just one. Talk about a household in turmoil! So in proper fashion I did some research. Learning that getting two sugar gliders is a personal decision (Great; so now it’s back to square one) because while most pets love company, these guys can do perfectly well with lots of human attention and they will neither torture themselves nor die of loneliness if we wind up with a solo glider.

But the kids – both of whom are over the recommended age of six – came up with a couple of great reasons to get two so we jumped in with both feet and we’ve never regretted our decision. Both of our children have learned more about responsibility than a dog or cat could possibly teach because these critters are capable of great affection borne of close proximity. My youngsters won’t wear clothing that doesn’t include pockets because they’ve become so attached to their sugar gliders. In sum, our decision to get two proved a good one.

Did we choose boys, girls or both? Having already fallen in love with this pet because we would not be asked to take them out for walks in winter weather, we concluded that girls would be a better bet because boys occasionally mark their territory once they mature. Their names? Sugar and Glider! So much for my kids’ imaginations, but I can assure anyone willing to listen that this was one of the best decisions we made during what has been a harrowing year.

Do sugar gliders bond with their owners?

The bond between sugar gliders and their owners must be experienced to be believed. These playful, curious, sweet marsupials will seek out the attention of the human with whom they bond, thus the amount of time you spend with him can deepen the relationship even more.

Should you decide to carry your glider around in a pocket or pouch to keep him or her in close proximity throughout the day, this gesture is likely to strengthen your bond even more. Sweet, affectionate, requiring little upkeep and delivering plenty of love, laughs and fun, bonding with a sugar glider is one of the most effortless pet relationships you could build and might we add that sugar gliders happen to be great listeners too?