Can You Potty Train A Kinkajou?

Although they are not closely related to the monkey, they share a certain characteristic with this species. This is the fact that, since they are used to eliminating waste and then moving on, they are not exactly easy to potty train. The truth of the matter is that most people find them untrainable in this regard.

As a result, keeping them in your home is going to require a fair bit of patience and ingenuity. You don’t want to turn your house into a kinkajou poo-fest. But you also want to treat them with kindness and consideration. There are a few handy measures that you can adopt in order to achieve this important goal.

The first thing you will need to do is understand that the kinkajou is a wild creature that is used to living in trees. If you want to keep one in your home, you will need to give them plenty of high spaces to climb on. There are cat-tree like devices that you can buy for them. The second thing is to set up an area they can pee and poo in.

About Kinkajous – The sweet and lovable Kinkajou is becoming a very popular pet. This small mammal, also known as the honey bear, is a native of tropical rainforests. They are a relative of the ringtail, raccoon, and coati. They are mostly arboreal, meaning that they live the majority of their lives in trees.

How To Potty Train A Kinkajou

The short answer to this one is: You don’t, because you can’t. But this does not mean that you can’t keep a honey bear as a pet. It does mean that you will need to take a few handy precautionary measures to keep your home clean and your sanity intact. The key here is adapting to their behavior so that you will know what to expect from them.

Kinkajous prefer to go to the bathroom in similar places. This is because, after all, there isn’t much variation in the normal landscape that they are used to. They live most of their lives in trees. This means that, when all is said and done, they will prefer to do their thing in areas that you can predict as having a high potential.

What this means for you is that you should be able to design a cage for them to do their thing in. Even if you can’t train them to go the bathroom in exactly the same place all the time, you can direct their attention to this particular place. It really should be possible to train them to use the cage at least 90 percent of the time.

You should also note that it is possible to design a cage that it is easy to clean. This way, you can keep them in the cage when they need to do their business. You can slowly but surely train them to go in the cage and not when they are out of it. It will take some doing. However, with repetition, they will eventually get the message.

How To Setup A Kinkajou Cage So It’s Easy To Clean

Your honey bear will need a cage that is both tall and large. It should be at least 4 feet by 5 feet by 6 feet. If you can get a cage that is even larger, all the better. The cage that you choose for your honey bear should definitely have a lining at the bottom. This will be a handy place for them to do their business in a safe manner.

You can put a few toys inside the cage so that your kinkajou will have something to focus on during the times you may be absent. Kinkajous are classed under the heading of carnivores. However, much of their diet is made up of nuts and fruits. Giving them a little snack of this type will be a gesture that they will very much appreciate.

Keep in mind that all of the precautions in the world won’t prevent an occasional accident outside the cage. But if you stick to cage training, you can get them to agree to use the cage for pee and poo most of the time. You will need to clean out the cage on a regular basis. This can be done in a few moments if you buy the right cage.

You should not keep the kinkajou in a cage all day and forget about them. Honey bears are normally very sociable. It’s okay to let them out of the cage to play. If you have items like cat trees or scratching posts, they will make an ideal playground for your honey bear. Make sure to put covers on your furniture to avoid scratches or poo.

How Often Should You Clean Out A Kinkajou Cage?

Your kinkajou is a creature of habit. They will prefer to pee and poo at certain times of the day. If you play your cards right, you can pretty much get to know after a few days exactly when their favorite time to do these things will be. Once you have this info firmly in mind, you can predict when you will need to be on your guard.

It’s always a good idea to have your honey bear do their business inside the cage that you have bought for them. Of course, once they have complied with your wish, you will now have a little mess to clean up. In general, you can replace the lining in their cage at least 2 or 3 times a week. You can do it more often if you prefer to.

Cleaning out the cage of a honey bear isn’t a very hard task. It will only take a few moments to replace the liner and put in a fresh one. You can let the kinkajou out of the cage for a bit of play as you do so.